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Looking for Something?
Looking to contact Samantha Moore? Drop her a note on Facebook. We'd love to hear from you. Liked what you've heard? We'd love a testimonial on your experience. Don't hesitate to share!
Looking for other Ravenboy Music songs? Check our producer's website and fellow Ravenboy Music Artist's resources! Also, contact Ravenboy Music for any Recording questions or concerns.
See you fireside!

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Harts Haven Music
A Song For Your Supper...
Your donation helps to develop the Harts Haven Music Studio, facilitate our ability to spend more time writing and traveling to share our work, and so much more!
Thank you for being a vital part of the Harts Haven Music mission:
Ever Onward, Friends, and Play On!

Medieval Folk Music for the Current Middle Ages
Harts Haven Presents
Ravenboy Music Artist
Samantha Moore
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